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BitBucket Hg to Git / Running

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To run bbhg2git

  1. Ensure that you have the following pre-requisites installed and on your PATH:
    • git
    • hg
    • python 3 (I used 3.7.4)
    • felipec/git-remote-hg (save to any convenient directory on your PATH eg. ~/bin)
  2. Either clone the project or just directly download the script src/ to some convenient directory.
  3. Ensure that execute permission is set on and either run it directly or via the Python (version 3) executable as follows:

The ‘-h’ option prints usage help:

$ python3 src/ -h
usage: [-h] -u USER -p PASSWORD [-w WORKDIR] [--https] [-a]
                   [slug [slug ...]]

Migrate BitBucket Mercurial repositories to Git

positional arguments:
  slug                  List of repository 'slugs' to be converted

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USER, --user USER  BitBucket username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        BitBucket password
  -w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
                        Work directory for conversions (default:'work')
  --https               use https:// instead of ssh:// for repository cloning
  -a, --all             Find and convert ALL Mercurial repositories

Recommend using a BitBucket App password for the migration - not your login password.
Please read for more information.

The --workdir option defaults to ‘work’ so you can omit it. The ‘work’ directory is created if it doesn’t exist, it is used for cloning Hg projects whence they are mirrored back to new repositories in BitBucket. You can inspect the contents or just delete it afterwards.

For the --password option you should set up a temporary App Password (under your account > Settings > Access Management > App Passwords) with 'Admin' access to your repositories. You can easily revoke this when done. I used the following configuration:

Annotation 2019-11-03 093113.png

Convert a single repository

You need to know the repositry 'slug', which is the last part of the name on its URL.

eg. I have a project named 'My Tutorials Fork'.

Its URL is

Its slug is my-tutorials-fork.

$ -u edrandall -p WxYzAcBdEfGhIjKlMnOp my-tutorials-fork
Existing repository: edrandall/my-tutorials-fork my-tutorials-fork my tutorials fork
New Git repository: edrandall/my-tutorials-fork-git my-tutorials-fork-git my tutorials fork (git)
[2019-11-03T23:53:47.578079] Creating new Git repository:my-tutorials-fork-git
[2019-11-03T23:53:48.713764] postURI [] response code:200
[2019-11-03T23:53:48.738994] Migrating from hg::ssh:// to ...
[2019-11-03T23:55:01.325641] Repository edrandall/my-tutorials-fork conversion succeeded.

[2019-11-03T23:55:01.325730] Converted 1 repositories.

Convert all my repositories

bbhg2git can identify all of your Hg repositories so you don't need to list all of the slugs.

$ -u edrandall -p WxYzAcBdEfGhIjKlMnOp --all
[2019-11-03T23:55:01.325730] Converted 16 repositories.
If a repository has already been converted, it will be skipped. It's safe to run the program twice. After conversion, if you're not happy with the results you can go back into the BitBucket, delete the converted repositories, and run it again later. Your Mercurial repositories will not be affected.

SSH keys not configured

By default bbhg2git prefers to use Git with the 'ssh' protocol over 'https'. It's simpler, your password is kept secure, I highly recommend this for all Git usage. If for some reason you can't set up ssh keys, for example you are behind a firewall which blocks ssh, you may need to force it to use 'https' with the --https option.
