Title is a link to an external website while gadget loads

Issue #20 resolved
Former user created an issue

The title of the gadget "Custom Search" is a link to an external website (the developer's: eea.sk) before the gadget finishes loading. Once finished loading, the title changes to text only, "Custom Search: <user-supplied title>"

If the developer wishes to link to their website in user space such as a dashboard, it should be made obvious that the link goes to an external website. Removing the external link from the gadget altogether is preferred.

Comments (2)

  1. Jozef Kotlár

    Thank you for pointing this out. Well, gadget was created according to Google Gadget Reference:

    title_url - Optional string that provides a URL that the gadget title links to. For example, you could link the title to a webpage related to the gadget.

    As this add-on is free, this little form propagation is coming also for free. Anyway, it could be removed without loss on functionality in next release.

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