Provide possibility to change search operator

Issue #25 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi there,

in an employee related workflow, I receive a personnel number of the requests reporter from a external datasource. This number should be searchable on a dashboard for the project team. Therefore, I use your search gadget - of course! ;)

The personnel number is a integer number, stored in a nFeed customfield. Unfortunately, I can't change the method your gadget searches for available numbers. It always fires a JQL like e.g.

"Personnel Number" ~ 1234.

In order to search properly for the personnel number, the JQL must be

"Personnel Number" = 1234.

How can I resolve this issue? Thanks for your support.

Regards, Bernhard

Comments (13)

  1. Jozef Kotlár

    This pre-selection was caused by simplification of UI. Used operator is guessed from searched custom field. So if searcher on field do not support LIKE, EQUAL is used. I think that nFeed searcher expanded possibilities on version 5.13 to support LIKE.

  2. Jozef Kotlár

    The simplest solution is to provide both LIKE and EQUAL operators when selecting fields in gadget configuration. Instead of id=customfield_12345 will be used customfield12345,~ or customfield_12345,=, with fallback to guess when explicit operator is missing.

  3. Brüse, Bernhard

    Hi Jozef,

    yes ... it would be great to be able to select the search operator when selecting a field in our gadget. Do you think it is possible to implement this feature soon?

    Regards, Bernhard

  4. Jozef Kotlár

    Changes are implemented, but not yet release ready. If you are willing to test interim snapshot we can provide it to you. The main obstacle was to keep solution backward compatible, without need of reconfiguration. But I think that today will be release finished.

  5. Joe Koch

    Hi Jozef,

    I have updated to 1.8.0, but I still don't see the option to select the search operator. My issue is also with an nFeed field. Would you be able to provide a screen shot of where the search operator is selected?

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