Bafang Basic Write Limited Current (A) Error

Issue #106 resolved
Beaver Ross created an issue

When I try to set my current limit to 35A I get this error. It will only accept up to 25A.

Comments (8)

  1. George Banea

    I don’t see the error but you can’t write more than what the controller accepts. if your controller supports maximum 25A that is the maximum you can have no way to go around that.

  2. Spiro R

    Hi George,

    Im a first time user with all this, basically don't know what I'm doing.. Although I have the same problem as Beaver Ross. My controller is 35amp. You can buy them from a place in Australia. If you want the name of the business I'm happy to share the extra 5amp that makes us faster.

    Anyway, so I'd like to have the extra 5amp please too

  3. George Banea


    Yes, please post as many information as possible (Pictures, links, etc)

    What values do you get when you read the controller?

  4. Spiro R

    Hi George,

    Ok, I got my 35amp controller back and one problem solved, it reads it. Yeai! For me.

    Ok, I'm not sure if though it's probably written in instructions, when I write to the display (Eggrider) how do I get to keep the settings into the controller for my pas throttle, etc?

    Thanking you in advance

  5. Spiro R

    Ok., I'm not sure how Beaver Ross got on, if he sorted his issue with hi 35amp but you can close this ticket for me. Thanks

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