ASI BAC800 and CYC x1 Pro few Problems like last issue

Issue #107 resolved
markus created an issue

Change from road/offroad does not work only road data works! only throttle max power, pas max power works to change. speed limit throotle or pas dosen’t work…

Speed doesn’t show correct speed, no matter what i change my wheel circumference to the speed seems to stay.

Bacdoor shows me the correct falues but egg write again and again 70mm diameter size on the controller when i reconnect to egg! no matter what size i change in the app…

I have Eggrider app v2.4.13

FW v2.4.08

but i try FW v2.4.11 also no effect

with an BetaEggRider app V2.4.12 and a old FW works the Speedometer but i don’t know with FW it was…

thank you markus

Comments (6)

  1. Emil

    hi Markus, because your firmware was so old I would suggest to update the firmware before trying to fix it. It can still be down to ASI configuration, and we can investigate together after update

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