App doesn't work right on Android 10

Issue #110 resolved
Fredrik J created an issue

Daily when I start the app it shuts down instantly, and have to be started again. Sometimes I get an error about wrong display version when connecting and have to close the app and reconnect for it to work.

My phone is rooted, I could provide logs if needed.

Comments (18)

  1. David Mund

    Think i should write in here, because i get the display version error at start of the app (wrong display version = v0.0.0). App version is 2.4.18 and display version is 2.3.10. I have even tried to update the display version to v2.4.08 or 2.4.11b but can’t succesfully end the the process because nRF Connect immediatly disconnects and after second try it says “DFU CRC error”. My first update with this app went without any problems.

  2. George Banea

    Hi David,

    Yours sounds like a totally different issue.

    To me it sounds like for some reason the files on you are trying to update are corrupted.

    Is there any chance you try from a different device? Could you try with the Google Chrome method?

  3. Fredrik J reporter

    BTW this issue got nothing to do with my eggrider, it’s the app! I got another phone with the eggrider app and it always works. I will try to create some logs for you. I’ve already pressed send report whenever it crashes.

  4. David Mund

    The Problem was the nrf connect app itself, bugfixed today. Now everything works fine again. Thanks!

  5. Fredrik J reporter

    It’s still not working right for me. Here’s the bug report I’m getting. I also got logcat logs.

    I’ve tried changing the way the battery manager handles the app now, maybe that will change things. I set it to restrict background activity.

  6. Fredrik J reporter

    Update: After restricting any kind of background activity for the app it works as expected. There’s something going wrong when it’s running in the background.

    Anyone else who got this issue would probably be able to fix it by making the battery manager close the process if the app isn’t open.

  7. George Banea

    Hi all,

    I am sorry to hear you are experiencing issues.

    There are a few cases I discovered that can cause the device to not be discovered in the mobile app.

    1. If you paired from the operating system that causes a Bluetooth cache error. Following the steps here it should sort this problem.
    2. On android, GPS has to be ON and permissions are given to be able to discover the device. Following the same steps should fix the problem.

    Please let me know if this fixes your issues.

  8. M H

    Wow thanks for fast response, i can ow see device, BUT, probably because I uninstalled and reinstalled the app I don't know but it's asking me for a code activation code I don't have it it's the same bike can you help

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