BBSHD Pedal Assist Settings Need Power Cycle (PAS Setting)

Issue #114 resolved
tony cajjo created an issue

I am having trouble getting the Pedal Assist to work (PAS). If i program with the regular Bafang software all will work well then once i open the app the PAS no longer works. I would post a screen shot of my settings but I have tried so many different ones. I know this app can be setup to disable PAS but I can’t find information on how that is / or what I did to disable it in the first place. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

I updated to display firmware 2.4.19

update: it seems that after changing any of these settings you need to cycle power to the controller. Not sure if considered a bug or not… either way maybe it should just tell you.

Comments (8)

  1. tony cajjo reporter

    I think you can delete this. It seems that a cycle of power to the controller was necessary for the settings to take.

  2. tony cajjo reporter

    sorry to post again, just wanted to say that it doesn’t seem to be working again. i didn’t change anything so i’m wondering if a setting gets lost. I would like some info that more accurately describes what is needed to enable and disable the PAS. thank you.

  3. Spiro R

    I can't get my pas to work either. Also I changed “pedal type” to “BB Sensor 32” so I don't have to use my phone to change from Road to Off Road on the Eggrider. But I can't get pas to work unless someone can tell me if I need to change settings - either in the torque settings which I doubt as I thought the settings were for the ultra G510 M620, and not for bbshd or do I have to change anything in battery settings?

    Thanks in advance

  4. George Banea

    Certain settings on bafang controllers only take effect after power on/off cycle. It is a good idea to keep road/offroad settings similar and only the essential ones to change between road/offroad.

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