Voltage display goes haywire

Issue #116 resolved
Ronny Lievens created an issue

my battery’s are at a constant voltage, but eggrider V2.4.08 is showing irratic voltages,

the voltage jumps down and up all the time

fluctuating between the correct voltage of 56v and sometimes as low as 35v in about 3-5 seconds

while riding and also while not riding

both on app as on display

it looks as if the connection between bafang and eggrider has a bad contact, but cabling checks out fine

my bafang BBSHD does not shut down when showing 35v as the actual battery voltage is still @ 56v

(it does shut down when the real battery voltage after a long ride drops below 42v as set)

sometimes the correct voltage is shown for up to 15 minutes

i wonder if anyone had this issue before, and how to solve it..

best regards,


Comments (5)

  1. Darryl Rowe

    I’ve had the same problem. On the first occasion the main fuse was sweating but not blown, the problem of voltage fluctuation was fixed.
    The second time it occurred the cause was a malfunctioning USB voltage reducer which eventually blew and had to be replaced.
    Hope this helps, good luck.
    BBSHD motor with EggRider display.

  2. George Banea

    Hi Ronny,

    Sorry for the late reply. This is most likely a connection issue (as some other customers found) or maybe some hardware failure with the EggRider. if you still have issues please get in touch over email.

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