Over 60 volt loom

Issue #117 resolved
Steven Brandt created an issue

I plan on using a 72 volt battery with the ASI BAC 800. Where can I get the additional wire loom that allows you to use the Eggrider over 60 volts. Or how would I make it?

Comments (13)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Steve,

    Do you already have connected the EggRider to a battery with a voltage lower than 60?

  2. George Banea

    Ok, the way to do it is to connect pin 21 and 22 to an external switch.

    Connect P+ from EggRider to pin 13 on ASI, leave Power Lock from EggRider free.

    Do this before connecting the bigger battery, if this works then you can switch to the 72v.

    Please, be very careful wrong connections can damage the display and controller.

  3. Steven Brandt reporter

    I got the ASI BAC 800 from ERT, and Alan had already created a universal profile that can handle 36v-72v. Would I still need an external switch for pin 21 and 22?

  4. Enduro eBike Addict

    Ok, here is what you need to do, get a Bafang 5 pins display extension, strip about 2 inches of the outer insulation in the middle, and cut the P+ wire, this is the center pin, usually the brown wire, and solder a 500 ohm 10W to 20W resistor in between the cut wires. This is what ERT is using for the 60+ Eggrider adapter. DO NOT CONNECT IT TO PIN 13 of the ASI Controller, this 12V pin is only rated for 90mA Max as specified on their product sheet here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.accelerated-systems.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F09%2FController-LP-Spec-ASI-Conf.-V1.0-3pg.pdf&pdf=true Doing So could brick your ASI CONTROLLER. You could also use the DC to DC Step-Down Converter you mentioned above. The ground wires are connected together on that converter, so not a problem.

    Bafang display connector pinouts can be found here:



  5. Spiro R

    George, could you kindly explain to me what I need to do on a 35amp controller.? Or, is there any chance of emailing me a diagram of what to connect together. From which display to controller side please. I'm getting E07 with my new battery. An idiot proof guide would be great. Hoping to hear from you.

    Thanks in advance


  6. danny neumann

    @Enduro eBike Addict , so just put a 500 Ohm resistance between the wires? Is 500 ohms not to much?

    I dont know how many amps are on this connection.

    Regards from germany ✌️

  7. Thomas Bronson

    @George Banea Sorry to revive such an old thread, but I am wondering how beefy a switch I will need to connect pins 21 and 22. What kind of current will it need to handle when shorting Key Out/P+ to Key In/Power Lock (on just a 48V battery)?

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