Torque settings not written

Issue #118 resolved
Pavel Bystrický created an issue

I am not able to write the torque settings. I connect my phone (Android) with the display unit after several failed attempts. Then I set the torque values in the phone app and have them written (many times even after updating the phone app and display firmware). I get message that the writing was done OK but then when I read the values from the display unit it shows the old numbers that really need to change as they seem erratic (250, 200, 230, 230, 480, 470, 600, 300).

Please, advice me what to do to write the torque data successfully (BTW other settings seem to be written correctly).

Thank you in advance.


Comments (6)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Pavel, sorry for my late reply. the torque settings are only for bafang mid-drive motors with torque sensor. They are written and read directly from the motor, they are not stored on the display. so it seems to me that your controller doesn’t accept the settings you are trying to write.

  2. George Banea

    Hi Pavel. I am sorry for the late reply. We manage to do some tests on bafang with torque settings and to us, it looks like it works OK. It is either you were using an old app version or something was wrong with your controller? I will now close the issue but please let us know if you still have issues.

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