Can't find eggrider after app is activated

Issue #120 resolved
Danny Wenzel created an issue

Samsung Galaxy S6 Android 7

App 2.4.18

FW 2.4.08

BT scan shows Eggrider V2

After first connection and activation of app no Eggrider can be found in Eggrider scan. Already reinstalled app .

Still finding Eggrider with my Note8@Android9 and can connect.

Note8 is not connected to Eggrider when scanning on S6.

Comments (3)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Danny, sorry to hear you are experiencing issues.

    Please make sure you don’t connect through the pairing menu from your phone.

    Can you please try the following:

    1. Close the app from memory.
    2. Turn off Bluetooth.
    3. Power off the phone
    4. Power off display
    5. Power on display and phone
    6. Turn on Bluetooth (do not pair) and GPS
    7. Open app and try to connect again

  2. Danny Wenzel reporter

    So i updated to Oreo (custom rom). First still the same behaviour.

    After some tests I found out that it works, if BT is off on the phone and start Eggrider app and then turn it on.

    With BT on before app start i can't find Eggrider.

  3. George Banea

    I am closing this as you are able to connect. I think the problem left is more related to your operating system.

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