EggRider V2 Read/Write Issues

Issue #135 resolved
bob dylan created an issue

Hello, currently using a Galaxy Note10 and am having problems writing and reading and settings. I click the buttons and they press on the screen but nothing pops up for saying it completed the action. My eggrider has not taking the mph setting I’ve been trying. I have updated the eggrider to version Any ideas?

Comments (4)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Bob, sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. Sounds most likely that your connection dropped.

    Make sure you are connected to the display before using the read/write functions. Sometimes getting the app in the background kills the connection because of battery optimizations. Before connecting I would suggest closing the app from memory and try again.

  2. bob dylan reporter

    Yes, I killed the app in the memory and then restarted. It worked fine after that. Thank you!

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