Bafang throttle acting strange after changing modes

Issue #136 resolved
Alex Park created an issue


Bafang BBSHD

I had one amp range set for road, and another for off road.

I rode for about 20mins, changed modes and the throttle would only make the motor pulse, and show an E04 on screen depending on the 1-9 level. I thought a setting has been corrupted in the change over, so I checked every single setting and nothing made a difference. My throttle is now useless 😭

I only just received the display from EM3ev and it was working ok.

I have attached screenshots of my settings pages.

The display came with 2.4.11 firmware

My android app version is 2.4.18

Please help!

Comments (13)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Alex,

    From what I can see,

    E04 stands for “Throttle doesn’t go back( in the furthest position)”

    So I suspect is something wrong with your throttle.

    From the throttle settings, I can see that you set the “End Voltage” to 3.9V. If I remember correctly the default is 3.5V, so maybe change this setting back.

  2. Alex Park reporter

    Changing end voltage to 3.5 did not change the behavior, or 3.6, 3.7, 3.8. Nor did changing the start voltage to 1.2, 1.3, 1.4. The issue is the same.

    The E04 does want to show now after I have changed settings again. In level 0 the throttle works at the same speed as walk mode. In level 1 or above, it simply pulses. If I am pedaling, you can hear it pulsing the motor, and if starting with throttle it moves the bike about 50cm. If I lift the back wheel so there is no load on the motor, the motor spins continuously, reading 0.5A and ~25KM/h. As soon as there is any type of load, it will pulse as described, as if it is hitting a current limit. This issue was not present 5mins before changing modes.

    I cannot see how the throttle is faulty as it is brand new from EM3ev, and worked fine up until changing modes this particular time. If you are certain, I can back probe the signal wire on the throttle and ensure it is correctly referenced to ground, but I would prefer not to butcher brand new cables on a new build. I may be able to find some probes small enough to fit in the higo connector on the throttle. I have also emailed EM3ev about this issue, I will reference them to this issue post.

    Unsure if this is related, but a couple of times, it stuck at the road amps when switched to off road mode. I had road set at 12.5A and off road set to 30A, I had to power cycle the display and change modes a few times again for it to go back to 30A limit. Then I saw an issue on here regarding different current settings on bafang so I set it back to 30A on both road and off road.

    (worse comes to worse I will plug the controller into the bafang software, and if that doesn’t work, reflash with the STC programming software)

  3. George Banea

    Hi Alex,

    On the facebook group I posted a while ago that some motors don’t like changing the current limit and take effect only after restarting.

    One workaround would be to keep the same current limit for both levels and use the assist current limits to achieve the same.

    Also, keep in mind you posted only settings for one profile. I would suggest resetting to default and start the programming again without with bafang switch only live data. Some settings update only after a reset which might be the case for the throttle voltage…

  4. Alex Park reporter

    One workaround would be to keep the same current limit for both levels and use the assist current limits to achieve the same.

    This is what I did after changing road and off road to 30A

    I would suggest resetting to default and start the programming again without with bafang switch only live data.

    By resetting to default do you mean changing all settings back to what they were out of the box? As I do not see a way to resetting defaults. I will try that, and change switch back to only live data and report back the result.

  5. George Banea

    The display reset to default. That doesn’t reset your controller settings. You need to write back the bafang settings after reset to what they were originally.

  6. Alex Park reporter

    I reset the display to defaults by holding mode while powering on, and set all values back to default. The behavior still present.

    I discovered if I apply the throttle very slowly, so the current usage is low, the motor will continue, if I apply the throttle any faster than very slow, it throws error 4. If i set throttle to use level 0 at 1% current, I can apply the throttle as fast or slow as I like and error 4 does not appear. So it appears to be current related, so I tried another battery with the same result.

    I will wait for my bafang cable to show up and try bafang software or firmware programming. Very strange as it happened on only the second trip and only after changing modes. Pedal assist works as it should on all levels, including 100% on level 9 where the motor draws the current it should, just not via throttle 😕

  7. George Banea

    Did you check what values do you have now for the throttle voltage? please make sure you have the default ones which I think are 11 and 35

  8. Alex Park reporter

    I have tried another throttle from a friend and the problem is still present.

    If I apply throttle very slowly and build up speed it works ok, if I use the throttle quickly, the display throws error 04.

    So the problem is definately with the eggrider display or bafang controller. Very disappointing since it has done less than 2 hours work.

  9. George Banea

    Glad to hear you sorted it out and thanks for the update! Do you mean flashed the motor or the EggRider?

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