Setting to avoid Cutoff at 24 km/h on EU version RadRunner

Issue #146 resolved
Nevio Fossati created an issue

Hi all!,

i got my Eggrider a few days ago and when i mounted i checked settings for RadPower bikes as indicated on the manual (basic and basic1 attachments) and bike worked about like as original controller

Then, on fb group, Walter van Waard (a beta tester) recommended me to change settings as he made (lishui and lishui1 attachm.); the bike now is faster and powerful also uphills but in every condition of road, there is a cutoff of power at 24 km/h in both modes road/offroad.

My target would be setting to have 24km/h cutoff on Road and no cutoff on Offroad mode (if possible). Otherwise, if not possible, how to set in such a way to remove cutoff at 25 km/h at all..

What should I do?

Thanks in advance!


Comments (5)

  1. M

    Nevio has this worked for you please? I have managed to up the speed of my Radrunner by changing the wheel size (in Lishui), now both modes boost up to about 23mph - I am the same in that the road setting HAS TO BE legal (15.5mph/25km). Power levels also do not write - and my rear light doesn’t work. If I cannot resolve these I will return the unit.

  2. Nevio Fossati reporter

    Hi Marc, well, actually with my settings I reach 30/32 kmh in both modes and a good torque for riding well uphill, but I can’t differentiate speed to let legal one on road mode…my lights work well, i set them to light on always when I switch egg rider on.

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