Startup pin

Issue #15 resolved
nixuu created an issue

Is it possible to add some kind of pin or password, which will be asked when put display on. I have 3 digit pin in my kt lcd3 screen and it is nice feature. It prevents some random guys to messing with your bike when i parked it front of store etc and doesn't remove battery.

Or maybe this can use your phone & and it bluetooth connection. When display is connected to your phone, it don't ask startup pin, and if not, then display ask the pin.

Comments (5)

  1. Emil

    that's an interesting function. We could lock it in level 0 until the app is connected. As soon as we fully assess this we'll move to implement it

  2. nixuu reporter

    Maybe this can be user choosable. If you want you can "tick" option which lock level 0 if phone / app is not connected during startup, or if you don't need or want to use this kind of feature, you just simply left that setting alone.

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