Speed limit Limit at which assistance is stopped.

Issue #167 resolved
Francois Gaudet created an issue

Another issue I saw with My Rad Rover 2020 is that at a given PAS setting, although the Speed Limit is set at 41 km/h in the Lishui Settings, the assist stop well before 41 km/h. For example at PAS 2 after around 15 km/h I don’t get any assist, If I want assist I need to go to PAS 3 and so on.

I can feel say I’m on PAS 2 , gear 4 and pedalling below 15 km/h a certain resistance and when I hit 15 km/h the pedalling resistance suddenly increase, looking at my app I see I don’t get anymore assistance.

If I remember well with the RAD display at a given PAS setting I was always having assist, unless I was going downhill.

App v2.4.89
Firm v2.4.83

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