BBSHD PAS problems, solved

Issue #185 resolved
Murad created an issue

Comments (9)

  1. Murad reporter

    Hey George, the PAS settings were acting very weird (off road assist levels either gave 0 power or full power, nothing in between) so I thought there were some major issues which persisted even after a few resets.

    However, I found out the reset did fix most of it. The only weird issue is that the Eggrider keeps using old settings after I turn it off and on. When this happens I just have to take out my phone and write the preferred settings to the controller again, they have the right values in the app so luckily all I have to do is write them over.

    Would you know the solution to this? Thank you in advance.

  2. George Banea

    Do you think your display resets to default by itself?

    How does your trip data look like?

    It might be better to contact us over email.

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