BBSHD/LUD Eggrider V2 starts power w/o pedaling with up arrow above 0 mode

Issue #187 resolved
Scott Sterley created an issue

Eggrider new in 2021 DS2E44F1050028 worked fine for several rides. Started to give constant power in mode 3 without pedaling. lowered down to 2 worked for an instant. Then after turning off and on it won’t go out of mode 0 and if the up arrow if pushed the motor energizes. New updated software installed. Throttle still work at mode 0 but wiring disconnected did not help. Changed the software settings several times based on Luna’s recommendations. Does this sound like a eggrider issue or the BBSHD controller?

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Sterley reporter

    When last we talked you said the  EggRider V2 were coming in at the end of April and if Luna didn't get a shipment you could help me out with a warranty EggRider. Have you received the latest shipment? Could you sent me a replacement for my Eggrider that has constant power in all modes above 0?    

    SCOTT San Rafael CA 415 819 1520

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