Walk mode it is working in PAS 0 when in Normal mode (speed limitation)

Issue #190 resolved
F. Aranda created an issue

In latest version eggrider_fw_v2.5.23_stable, when you use Normal mode (speed limitation) the walk mode works even on PAS=0.

On PAS=0 there should NOT be any power from the motor at all, for safety reasons.

This bug can be reproduced in Lishui for a Rad Power bike.

Comments (4)

  1. George Banea


    I think this behaviour is embedded in the controller.

    Theoretically, we could limit it but in my opinion, it is not bad behaviour.

    You have a flat tire and want to use the walk to push the bike.

    I think switching to level 0 to disable the power assist from accidental pedal spin is not a bad idea!?

    Also, you could still have the throttle on with level 0, depending on your configuration.

  2. F. Aranda reporter

    I agree, I guess the ticket can be resolved. I was just pointing to this because in RadPower mode there is no walk mode in PAS 0, but maybe that is because that is the way it was setup in RadPower bikes.

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