trying to upload screen shot and csv file as requested.

Issue #196 resolved
Phil last created an issue

I explained on face book I’m seeing erroneous data in the graphic time and distance display on my iPhone app. A FB admin in the ER group requested I retrieve the data log. When I did this, I noticed a couple other items including motor temp, think I saw a post about the sensor type changing, so you know about that one. I noticed the data log export says my trip was 37miles total. perhaps this data export is in KM? I say this because the egg rider said I did about 27 miles in 1.5 hours. given a few quick stops and average speed it seems about right. the CVS file says I did 47 miles during this time which I don't think is correct .

over all, the egg Rider product is excellent! I really appreciate all the hard work that I’m sure has gone into development and I will recommend it enthusiastically. -phil

Comments (4)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Phil, thank you very much.

    Could you please disable the power and efficiency from the graphs?

    Also please keep in mind that on the left side is the axis for these values, the right side is only for the altitude.

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