Battery calculation is off by ~25%

Issue #199 resolved
Wojciech Górny created an issue

Whatever battery i’m using, the EggRider always displays over 20% of battery capacity, even if battery voltage is below level set for 0%, and/or the controller has cut it off.

I’m using BBS03 and three 17.5Ah batteries (48V <<0% at 41V>>, 52V and 52V <<both 0% at 45V>>). All batteries have been calibrated in app for full voltage.

It feels like battery is calculated based on some curve, with error growing towards bottom part.

Version 2.5.60

Comments (3)

  1. George Banea

    Hi, could you please provide a screenshot of your battery settings and if possible export a ride when connected with the app?

  2. Wojciech Górny reporter

    Weirdly i can’t seem to capture it when the app is not in background and i’m just riding to deplete the battery - i’ve attempted twice, and both time it shown correct value “at the bottom” (around 25% for 48.5V, in 52V battery). I’ll try to find out how to reproduce this bug on a slower paced track, maybe it’s somehow related to the amp limits and/or the road/offroad setting.

  3. George Banea

    I am closing this as it is most likely to do with the battery settings.

    If it ever happens again, please use the latest firmware v2.6.49 provide a battery settings screenshot and a trip export as follows: ride for about 20-30 minutes (preferably under high power), stop and keep the phone connected for another 20-30 minutes then stop the ride and export the trip.

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