some frozen parameter

Issue #208 resolved
Francois Gaudet created an issue

Yesterday I experience a bug with the eggrider. Altough the battery voltage, %,speed,time and pas setting was still ok the power and current was frozen. I did reconnect a few time resetting to zero, but after a few second same appended. Yo can see on my screen shot the speed is back to 0 and the power and current is still frozen at theses values. When I click to the warning triangle it was saying I think LOST CONNECTION, but the voltage, %,speed,time and pas setting was still ok.

That is on a Rad with Rad Strategy

Comments (6)

  1. George Banea


    Thank you for your report.

    It will be good if you could share a screen recording to understand better the behaviour and if you find a way to reproduce it.

    Could be that if you close the app from memory the issue is resolved?

  2. Francois Gaudet reporter

    yesterday I did close the app by killing the task via a boost application and did reset(off-on) the eggrider, and it did it again, I did this at least 3 times. This morning it is good. If I can reproduce I’ll try to get more data, I was on the wood at -7 degc. But that didn’t prevent me to continue using the eggrider to run my bike, on;y display bug.

  3. George Banea

    Hi Francois,

    I really appreciate your help with this. So the issue was only on the app side or on the display side too?

  4. Francois Gaudet reporter

    No the Eggrider was also stuck at 6 amps

    I didn’t notice the rest I had not my glasses 😉

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