Display showing wrong values

Issue #209 resolved
Mr Toast created an issue


After disconnecting cables and reconnecting. Display is showing wrong battery values and not accepting the brake sensors or the assistance levels. Also ( I think it is an ) showing error code EFF. It still works but only up to about 20km/h. Before it was about 30km/h.

I am using an Kunteng Hailong-Ⅰ controller.

Now the long form:

2 weeks ago when it was around -7 C my bike started to an not work properly. The motor only gave short impulses and not continuous power.

I then read it could be because of a lose connection so, the next day I went and checked all connections. I had the battery turned on an the display as well. I disconnect the motor cable an then thought it might be better to turn everything off.

I then continued to check all connections. After I am done I turn the display back on an it’s completely messed up. Showing the wrong voltage (37V when it should be around 48-52), saying my battery is at 0%. Also showing I think an error ,,EFF”.

I then tried disconnecting and reconnecting everything again, turning everything on and off. Reset the display and updated it to the newest firmware. I also measured the voltage of my battery and it’s good. Around 52V.

Before that day I never had any issues and I even used the egg rider completely un updated.

Description for the pictures:

Green cable is the display connection.

Completely black with hidden pins is the cable from the controller to the display and brake sensors.

Black cable with the large pins is the motor cable.

The picture with my thumb on the egg rider is when i press the plus button to activate the push assist it show the weird symbol.

On the other picture you can the the messed up display. Also showing the letters ,,EFF”

I hope someone can help me because I need my bike for work.

Comments (8)

  1. Mr Toast reporter

    Thanks for the reply, I already found out I have a faulty controller. The display is fine when I try it with the same controller model from a friend.

    Thanks for trying to help me you can delete the issue.

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