Protocoll not found

Issue #213 resolved
Christian Schlesinger created an issue

Have a Bafang BBS01B 350W and App says “protocoll not found”

only Voltage is displayed, App says timed out with both Bafang protocolls

Eggrider App: 2.6.03

Display Firmware: 2.6.38 tryed also 2.5.61

Controller Info:

Manufactorer: HZXT

Model: SZZ9

Hardware Version: 1.1


Battery 36V

any ideas? made every troubleshooting from manual

Comments (6)

  1. George Banea


    Sorry to hear that.

    When did this happen?

    Do you have an original display to test with? If it doesn’t work with the original display then it means it is something to do with the controller.

    You might want to have a look here:

    Many were able to sort this issue by flashing the motor controller firmware. You can find more information here:

  2. Christian Schlesinger reporter

    Hi George,

    thank you for fast answer, orginal display works.

    did all troubleshooting from manual.

    i also found the flashig video but where i can get firmware for BBS01B?

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