[Lishui] Can't add 10,5 as 'Current limit' setting on Android app

Issue #224 resolved
Thijs created an issue

I can’t fill in 10,5 as ‘Current limit' on the Lishui settings page. I can add 1,5 but 10,5 is not possible.

So after you pass the 10 you can only go up with 1 instead of 0,5.

Comments (13)

  1. Thijs reporter

    Thanks for your quick reply. Using a dot is also not possible. Even 7,5 is not working. Probably it has something to do with the space on the input field?

  2. Thijs reporter

    I did some further investigation on the input fields

    Current limit input field
    I’m able to fill in 1,5, 2,5, and 3,0 but I’m not able to fill in 3,5 and so on.

    Voltage cutoff deviation input field
    I’m able to fill in 1,1, and 1,2 but I’m not able to fill in 1,3, and so on. (Same for the minus like -1,0 -1,1 and -1,2 etc)

  3. George Banea

    Hi Thijs,

    Yes, that is correct, as you can see from the field name, this value is a multiple of 0.5A

  4. Thijs reporter

    Hi George, this is the case for 'Current limit' and not for 'voltage cutoff' where this value is a multiple of 0.1V. But besides that I can still not add 19.5A or -2.5V. There is something wrong with the input fields.

  5. George Banea

    Hi, what phone and keyboard are you using? We know that there was an issue with the Samsung keyboard on android, can you maybe try to use the Google keyboard?

  6. Thijs reporter

    Hi, I’m using the Google keyboard. I have this problem with every input field in the app where I can fill in numbers and commas.

  7. George Banea

    Hi Thijs, sorry for the late reply. Can you please share what locale are you using on your phone? I think this is set by the language you are using

  8. Thijs reporter

    I’m using English on my phone as my primary language but I can also switch to a Dutch keyboard. As a workaround, I used an iPhone to change the value within the app.

  9. George Banea

    hi, decimals values should always be used with “.” This should be fixed with mobile apps starting from version 2.7

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