Writing to BBSHD causing error 30

Issue #225 resolved
Darrell Davitt created an issue

Hi Eggrider community. I received a new bike last week, a Mario Retro-Belt which comes equipped with a 1000w BBSHD and I received my Eggrider the day before the bike arrived. First thing I did was update the Eggrider firmware so it’s all up to date and I’ve got the laters iOS app version.

I have no problem setting up the Eggrider and I can connect fine, I can read settings from the controller but if I try to write any changes in the Eggrider app I simply start getting bafang read and write timeout errors. Resetting the Eggrider just comes back with “protocol not found” message.

If I connect my original display I simply get an error 30 and the motor doesn’t work.

After a lot of panicked troubleshooting I stumbled across this https://youtu.be/U4KdSIWpR48 and following it I managed to flash firmware to the BBSHD via a USB to TTL cable and got rid of the error 30 so my bike works again, much to my relief.

However if I try to write any changes via the Eggrider app or the USB cable it keeps going into error 30 again so I haft to keep flashing it. Has their been some lockdown by bafang to prevent changes to the motor? I saw another issue (Issue #74) where a user said “contacted my BBSHD reseller who told be that using a firmware with a .HEX file would prevent writing to the controller. He sent me a .BIN file and everything is now ok.” but I’ve had no luck finding a .BIN firmware file and can’t find a way to contact that user to see if they can send it my way.

At the moment I’m stuck not being able to write settings using the Eggrider which kind of means it’s useless. Any help would be appreciated. The current read details I can get from the motor are in the image below.

Comments (2)

  1. Darrell Davitt reporter

    Finally managed to fix the issue by following the steps at California-eBike to install “unlocked” firmware. I had to buy a USB to TTL cable and a new laptop to do it (Mac user). Might be worth eggrider updating their website to warn new BBSHD eggrider owners that their controller is probably firmware locked.

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