Levels always takes off at 100% of power

Issue #259 resolved
Dany Falcon created an issue

My bike where working normal for about two weeks of almost every day use, until I decided to twitch into pass levels,
here’s what I was trying to do:

lvl 1 to 5
lvl 2 to 8
lvl 3 to 12


lvl 1 to 20
lvl 2 to 30
lvl 3 to 40

After this, the bike seems to lost the power level sense? basically no matter what level I’m using, the bike

always takes off at 100% of power. Today I noticed the R57 at the screen. I updated the firmware on the display but still the issue.

The Sensor it’s located on the left on my bike, and also this options its selected on the app as well.

Any ideas?

Comments (11)

  1. Dany Falcon reporter
    • I try factory reset and it selected Liushi Rx/Tx swap automatically.
    • Display showed up No ID Restart
    • Turned off and on and now it display R106 instead of R57
    • App its connected, I can read speed, turn on headlights, but the App insist the bike its Not Activated Status and Not in Range V2.6.65
    • I check on Display settings and at the Battery Settings I selected the right Battery Voltage (48V), noticed in Capacity it shows 11 even if my battery its 16Ah, decided to leave it at 11 since it was like that automatically.
    • Write on Display and now it shows No Liushi Settings, it goes away after a while. Now it keeps showing every time I try to change the Levels.
    • Noted the R now it changed to R65
    • I’ve trying to bring it back to the way it was the past two weeks by resetting the Display. reinstalling the App, but still with random issues.

    Im giving up for today, summer is coming and I understand updates might take long time, Im also open to buy a different controller compatible with this Dispay I currently own, if you guys can help me with the specifications on what controller I can get 48V 25Ah that also can solve my issue, I’m open to buy a controller if that’s the case.

  2. Adrian

    Hi Dany,

    Thank you for your message

    Firstly try to reset your EggRider display again and then go in Lishui settings and change one setting and then press write.


    The R error is the Range. If you are going to ride for some minutes then it will auto adjust to a real range value if you set your battery settings and wheel size right. If your battery say that has 16 ah then set it to 16 ah. Here are some useful links for you:


    ”App insists the bike its Not Activated Status and Not in Range” → After you opened the app try to wait some seconds before connecting to the EggRider because this is usually a bug when you open the app and press fast on the EggRider; it will tell you that your EggRider is not activated yet.

    We hope that we helped you and we are looking forward to your response!

  3. Dany Falcon reporter

    Hello Adrian,

    I did what you guys request and there’s the results:

    • those “R**” code still showing up
    • I noticed I am not getting reading from the Power (W) and the Current (A) option in the App also no Efficiency readings.

      * the hub motor does some weir “vibration” noise when I push full throttle ( when the troottle works properl.

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you guy”

  4. Dany Falcon reporter

    Also now, I don't longer have the pass modes, no matter witch one I select Road or Off’Road, level 1, 2 or 3, as soon as I move my pedals the bike takes off with 100% power. Even if the app writes the information right on the display, I had try Read the display and everything comes back as it should be so the informations is written to the display/controller, it just some times it doesn't work. I also just try the stock display once again and everything works fine, so I don't have any problems on my controller, motor, throttle, connections, battery.

    I noticed the App is not saving the voltage information of the battery (48V) as well as the wheel size, witch sometimes it saves, sometimes it doesn't.

    Basically every time I reset the display and start over it comes back different.

    Another thing is, on the first two weeks when it where working fine, my top speed GPS verified was 30mph, now its 25mph and it gets there very slowly.

    in the link, a video of the noise coming from the motor whenever I start pedaling.


    Thank you.

  5. Adrian


    Could you please share all of your settings with us? (including About page).

    Also, can you try to make a screen recording where you can change a setting -> press write -> restart your EggRider display -> go in the same settings page and press on READ?

    We are looking forward to your response!

  6. Adrian


    Firstly the wheel size and battery settings are getting saved. When you change the setting and press Write it is getting saved. For example, for battery settings, you will see the voltage getting changed and for the wheel size, you will see the wheel circumference getting changed. About the information displayed in the dashboard, it is normal to be displayed like that when the bike is stationary and not used on the road. About the power being always on 100% we recommend you to check our user manual and change your setting as you wish! Here are some useful links:


    If you ever need our help again don’t hesitate to contact us again!

  7. George Banea

    Thank you for all the information provided. I am closing this as it is old ticket now. It does look like misconfiguration. Please have a look at these settings example. https://manual.eggrider.com/ebike_settings/radpower/#settings-example It is important to understand how Running strategy on Lishui page works. You can try to see if your controller supports Rad strategy, that might make it easier for you, otherwise please use current or normal

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