EggRider incorrectly displaying zero speed

Issue #267 closed
Mayank Abhishek created an issue

I am using EggRider V2 with a Bafang BBSHD and a 52V battery. The speed on EggRider display drops to zero when I back pedal, even though the bike is still moving forward. This can happen when I am going down an incline and I adjust my pedal positions by moving them back.

I tried asking in the Facebook Group if this is a setting but did not get a response.

Comments (6)

  1. Mayank Abhishek reporter

    I changed the display screen layout to V2 and then back to V1. This fixed it for some reason.

  2. George Banea

    Hi, sorry for the late reply. I find this very strange, I think other people would have reported this by now if it was something to do with the display.

    Can you please provide a picture of the about page?

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