activation form could check internet connectivity first / give error msg if there is none

Issue #270 resolved
Thomas Waldmann created an issue

I tried to activate the android app with the builtin form:

  • filled out email, order ID, bike name, etc.
  • wondered why it does not show me shop names as it did on iOS (and it also says on the android app that it should show a choice of shops as soon as one starts typing)

Wondered why that is for a while and then remembered that I have a firewall on android and it defaults to “no internet” for all new apps.

Once I switched on internet access for the eggrider app and reloaded the app, it showed me the shop names as expected.

Maybe this would have a better UX if the app would give some obvious error msg when it tries to load the shop names and fails (I did not notice anything, so it might be silent).

Note sure if this issue also applies to the iOS app.

Comments (2)

  1. George Banea

    Hi, I thought this was the case for a while now. Anyhow I now tested again so for sure available in v2.7 apps

    2023-12-07 21.37.36.jpg

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