EggRider will not switch to OffRoad mode

Issue #278 closed
Marc Obert created an issue

My EggRider will not switch to OffRoad mode. Display was bought with a used bike. Activation to my Account was no problem.

I have Restriction to Road mode deactivated. Error message on Display is “Switched mode error!”.

EggRider V2.6.51

App V2.7.13

Bafang Version:

Manufacturer: SZBF

Model: NS06

HwVersion: 2.4


Voltage: 36V

MaxCurrent: 20A

Any helpdesk to resolve the issue is welcome.


Comments (7)

  1. Dorin Nistor

    Hi Marc,

    We are sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue with your Eggrider.

    Can you please tell us where are you changing the mode, from display or from the app?

    When you try to make different settings for Road and OffRoad, is the Road button in the app (in the top right in Bafang Bsic, Bafang Pedal and Bafang throttle) grayed out (inactive/disabled)?

    If that is the case, please follow the instructions on the link provided below, to enable switching between modes.

    Please be aware that this feature is intended for advanced users who are proficient enough to independently configure these settings. It is important to mention that we do not offer support for this settings.

    Also, please try to update your Eggrider display to the latest firmware. If you don't know how, please follow the steps from our User Manual here:

  2. Marc Obert reporter

    Hi Dorin,

    Thank you very much for your support.

    i​ tried to change the modes only through the App.

    How would you change the modes on the Display itself ? Pressing the menu button online seems to get me some more system measurements.

    Regarding the grayed out Road Button- i might be able to provide more feedback this evening when i am back home.

    I will also try Software Update and will report back here.

  3. Marc Obert reporter

    Hi Dorin,

    i checked yesterday evening on my EggRider Display.

    A couple of observations:

    Road Button was not grayed out.

    What i tried also:

    I then changed Bafang switch mode to only “Live Data”. Afterwards, Road Button was grayed out. HOWEVER: I could then successfully switch between Road and Off Road.


    I then updated the Software to the last stable version. And with this, i seem to be able to switch between Road and Off Road without problems from the App.


    What i still cannot do is changing modes with the display itself. The display also does not display in which mode i am effectively riding. The switching can only be done in the App and the Display shows data of the ride regardless which modes was selected.

    This seems strange compared to my other EggRiders.

    Any thoughts or input on this ?

    Is this maybe because the selected Layout for the Display is set to Main Screen V1 ?

  4. Dorin Nistor

    Hi Marc,

    Using the Main Screen V1 layout you should see the mode currently chosen by you in the top part of the display as seen in the pictures below:

    By short pressing on the M button you can switch between Road and OffRoad.

    Can you send us a video when you try to switch between modes (press the M button) so that we can clearly see what is going on?

  5. Marc Obert reporter

    Hi Dorin,

    Taking a video might take some time.


    I am not sure if we both have the same understanding about “Main Screen V1”.

    Let me tell you what i see on the display.

    I will use a screenshot from page 8b of the EggRider Handbook of a German enthusiast for this.

    (I am running Bafang. No Lishui controller. But it should not make a difference for the Display layout.)

    My display layout looks exactly like the layout on the right side of this Handbook (Mainscreen V1).

    As you can see, there is no visible description of the riding mode.

    According to the description in the Handbook - the mode is shown on the Main Screen V1 through the motor support level.

    Just Framed = Road.

    Background fully lit = Off Road.

    I found this description of Screen V1 and V2 only after i took a test ride this morning.

    So i am not sure if this is also true for my display.

    However, would this all be an explanation ?

  6. Dorin Nistor

    Hi Marc,

    Yes, the description in the Handbook is correct. If you are using the layout specified by you (Mainscreen V1 in your picture), the mode profile is embeded in the assist level background: dark for Road mode and white for OffRoad mode.

    You can chose a different layout by accessing the EggRider app → Display settings → Display main screen layout.

    If you have any additional inquiries, feel free to contact us!

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