Export trip data

Issue #36 resolved
Matthew Shirley created an issue

It would be fantastic to be able to export trip data to JSON or CSV or some other format.

Comments (13)

  1. George Banea

    Apologies for the delay on this... it is more difficult than expected... i've done some work but I got stuck.

  2. Sean Haney

    Please start working on this issue again. This was one of the main features I was hoping for when I purchased an eggrider display.

  3. David Geiger

    I tried to locate my trip data on my phone for 20 minutes until I found this issue. Please allow export of trip data.

  4. Ian Johns

    I would really love this to be picked up again. It seems the data must already be there to generate the historical graph in the app.

    Any format is fine is fine, we can work that out on the desktop.

    @George Banea I would be willing to pay a reasonable bounty to get a flat file out of the app with all my ride data.

  5. George Banea

    Hi Ian,

    I hope you are ready to offer some beers!

    The most voted feature is finally arriving.

    It will be available from app version >= v2.4.70

  6. Robert S.

    I am very interested, is the update already available?
    What about a changelog?

    thanks for your great work!

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