Mode button long press to switch between Road and Offroad profile.

Issue #47 resolved
Martijn Hertogs created an issue

At this moment a switch between Road and Offroad needs a short press of the Mode button. Viewing the statistics requires a long press of the Mode button.

Is it possible to swap these two actions? When using gloves it happens that I accidentally press the Mode button when trying to press the Assist up (^) button.

Comments (14)

  1. Emil

    I agree with this issue. I'll try and find a solution as soon as possible. I'm thinking a longer debounce time for the MODE button. Something like 500ms so it doesn't get pressed accidentally

  2. Emil

    Hi Martin. I have uploaded an experimental firmware that needs a longer press for mode change. Can you please test it and give me a feedback? I'm honestly not sure whether it's better or not. We might end up creating a setting to configure how sensitive it should be.

  3. Martijn Hertogs reporter

    Hi Emil. I have tested V2.2.05 exp extensively and it is a big improvement. Is it possible to make the debounce time a little bit longer to be sure?

  4. Emil

    thanks. Sure. Should I add about 30% more? I have mixed feelings to be honest, so we'll add a configuration item in the app

  5. Martijn Hertogs reporter

    I noticed with firmware V2.2.05 exp the debounce time is not present when switching from ECO+ to ECO. From ECO+ to ECO it switches immediately. Can you implement it for this mode too?

  6. Emil

    thanks for pointing that out. I'll check it.

    Also, George suggests not to have additional de-bounce time, but to swap long and short press function: keep 5s pressed to change mode, and short press for second screen. This is to be configured from the settings. Is this something that you think it can work?

  7. Quinten Brems

    Is it possible to add setting for the amount of seconds for the long press and make road/off-road/off-road label editable? If I set it to 8 seconds and put my name in label, nobody needs to know my bike has an off-road function. Including my son :) (Working with iOS version) Thanks!

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