Display doesn't keep protocol when changed from the app

Issue #48 resolved
George Banea created an issue

Firmware 2.2.00 App 2.2.03 Kunteng RX swap

There seems to be an issue with recognizing my protocol / remembering my settings. When I turn on the eggrider, then it is often in default configuration, so it doesnt show any values on the display except voltage.

To fix it, I need to turn it off and on again (or use the app to write settings). It normally works after turning on for the second or third time to display the correct settings (speed and watt)

PAS and throttle are working only intermittent. Even when the values are displayed correctly switching PAS doesnt always work. Also the throttle is sometimes disabled. (Street and Offroad mode).

Sometimes settings are lost during riding the bike. Then also PAS support and throttle stop working. Turning off and on fixes it.

Reported by Matthias

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