Display firmware update from EggRider app

Issue #57 resolved
George Banea created an issue

The display firmware update currently is done through a third party app.

Add functionality to update display firmware directly from the EggRider app.

Comments (4)

  1. nixuu

    How download new fw is going to be? Do we need still download fw from bitbucket site using browser and then update it using eggrider app or does eggrider app handle download internally also, and then update it ?

  2. Bushman

    Could it be possible to inform ourselves whether or not there is an update available for the display?
    When I bought my Eggrider, my first reflex was to see if the it was up to date.

    Maybe through the app or maybe this information could be display on the documentation website. There seems to be no way to be sure if we are up to date.

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