Ignore BBSxx speed sensor error code 21

Issue #59 resolved
Sebastien created an issue


when the speed sensor is not available, the BBSxx send the error code e21 provoking a power cut. It seems to be possible to program other displays to not shut down in case of such error, but not with Eggrider. Would it be possible to simply acknowledge this error and run the BBSxx without speed sensor ?

Comments (3)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Sebastien, I am really sorry for not replying till now. I am not sure if this is a setting on your motor but whenever I tested on bafang without speed sensor I didn't have any issue. If you still have this issue please let me know we can reopen and look into it.

  2. Djeef Lab

    If you change the sensor type from 1 to 2, power won’t be cut. Speed will be wrong though but at leat you can coast back home without putting your life in danger.

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