Bafang Basic Assist Levels write wrong values

Issue #6 resolved
Robert Walley created an issue

As a starter test, I set 9 levels in Off-Road and each where 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 percent current limits and 100% speed limit in all 9 levels. On the ride levels 2,4,6,8 where normal, all other levels where 100% current. I unplugged the unit and read back using the bafangconfigtool on my PC and this was the result. I think the write process is writing to the wrong fields somwhere.Bafang SS.jpg

Comments (7)

  1. George Banea

    Please remember, always read before executing a write and after a write execute another read to check if everything looks ok. When you wrote did it said write successfully?

  2. Brian Dawber


    Similar thing happens with mine...

    Setup by bafang software (and verified)

    assist setup.png

    Then read back by eggrider software:


    So as far as I can tell all the numbers are there, but they're transposed. The behaviour for robert's seems a little different but still looks like transposition (although since he's used 100% its not as easy to tell)


    As long as I don't write anything with the eggrider software the whole setup is pretty usable, so the workaround is to program with the bafang cable and just use the eggrider to move assist up and down whilst using the mode switch to switch between two non-consecutive levels. Still its all pretty awesome compared to the crappy bafang displays.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Mine look the same Eggrider to bafang

    ,a eggrider to bafang.jpg

    and the reverse bafang to eggrider with a typo.

    b bafang to eggrider.jpg

    transposition error shows very clearly, device is working well and this looks like a typical beta problem

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