Unable to change values for options covered by the keyboard on Android app

Issue #61 resolved
Craig Orendi created an issue

When selecting a text box to change a value (for example mAh of battery), the keyboard appears and this causes the text box to be dis-selected, this means that you have to re-tap the box to change the value, which is impossible for the options at the bottom of the current page as the keyboard is covering them and it is not possible to scroll further. This effectively makes changing the bottom values of pages impossible with just the phone (a work around is to use a usb keyboard, not exactly ideal and pretty much impossible on the fly)

This was found using a Samsung Galaxy S8+ with the default keyboard settings

Comments (3)

  1. George Banea

    Hi Craig, Some of our customers fixed this by using a different keyboard app. Might worth checking if your keyboard app is up to date. There is not much I can do within the app regarding this issue. Please let me know if any other keyboard worked for you.

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