Speed shown incorrect

Issue #7 resolved
Robert Walley created an issue

Although set to MPH and display states 'mph' speed is way to high, compared to another rider next to me at same speed it appears to be displaying kph speed. i.e display state '25mph' which feels like 15mph. Wheel size is correct at 2200 for 700c.

Comments (4)

  1. Emil

    tested and we don't have any reasons to think there is an issue. Can you either adjust the wheel speed to achieve the precision you're looking for, or to provide a screenshot with the bafang motor basic read for further investigation?

  2. Robert Walley reporter

    Not sure how to screenshot my phone, unless there is a recorder app somewhere or another phone/cameraDisplay.jpg and three hands.

    The display shows 'mph' and trip at the bottom states '17mi' which looks good compared to the app showing 28km after a read. Also reads 700c as wheel size.

    What I'll do is figure out how to measure wheel revs and compare it to the live speed reading, which I'm sure is wrong but appears to be adding to the trip/odometer correctly.

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Its the same as Roberts on mine. when I write into the display (I have read it first) KMH it changes to MPH on the Handlebar display, and the odometer converts to the distance covered to miles. The app display stays showing kmh and the handlebar display and app display show the same numbers when travelling. What is been show are kmh speeds despite the handlebar display saying mph. I know the difference between 25 mph & 25 kmh. Have tried disconnecting the app and re-starting the hanlebar display and its the same.


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