Road restrict mode can be tricked

Issue #73 resolved
Mirko Kühne created an issue

You can still switch to off-road mode without phone in road restrict mode by holding the mode button till "switch ok" appears and then pushing up

Display: 2.3.10 App: 2.3.06

Comments (13)

  1. nixuu

    I think it is very stupid or almost like idiotic write that kind of info in public. Now everyone knows this feature and there is no other way but to remove that feature now… So thank you guys. I used this feature a lot, when my phone was my pocket, and need to change mode, but now when this is public info, there cannot be this kind of feature anymore, all switching must be done using app.

  2. Mirko Kühne reporter

    The only thing idiotic here is complaining about releasing the information on on/off-road switching which is in the product description of what you bought…

    and regarding the bug I wrote an email but got no answer, so hopefully they fix it here

  3. nixuu

    It wasn’t bug, it is feature. A feature which is now completely useless, because it is now “common knowledge” when it posted internet. And there is change that “everyone” now knows it and can change modes without phone.

  4. Mirko Kühne reporter

    Well, calm down man.

    Don't know how you see it as feature if it doesn’t do what it description tells.

    Road restric mode says change mode only via app. And that is exactly what it should be but is not at the moment so it's an bug and would be cool if they fix it. You can always create an own issue with a feature request for a “change to off-road by button combination feature request” if you feel like that

  5. Frank Unck

    Jeroen: I agree. The only option to switch modes on the display itself would be a user definable key sequence.

  6. giorgio messi

    If you want to avoid this issue, you can change settings of switching button. If you set it to short press for switch, long for stats, will be almost impossible to use the trick.

  7. Dan Mangel

    +1, we need to fix that bug. To prevent in the mean time, change the settings of mode button to long: stat and short: switch.

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