Feature request for Kunteng Controller

Issue #78 on hold
Pegazus_LN created an issue

As many of you I want to protect my motor and my battery to be damaged by excessive current.

Therefore I need to set the maximum value for phase and battery current for my controller.

This feature is already implemented in the KT Open Firmware so it should be a piece of cake for you :)

C5 is my be a part of the answer but seems terribly confusing to me especially when dealing with % and not Amp. I still don’t really know if it’s battery or motor phase limit.

Comments (3)

  1. nixuu

    Like you say there is C5 setting already. It works using % values, so you need to do little math. Like example i have 40A controller and when i set it to 50% it takes 20A etc.. And those are battery amps i think.

    Open source fw change those amp settings completely different, and this is only way to do it. So you need to change controller fw, because original kt fw don’t support anything else than those c5 values. And Eggrider (or any other ) display cannot change those. And sadly open fw don’t work with eggrider (well it show speed, and informations, you can change assist level, and change light on/off etc, but settings and road / offroad profiles not work)

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