Percentuale batteria

Issue #9 resolved
carperoz created an issue

Avete problemi con la percentuale batteria sullo schermo? Perchè oggi il mio display mi segnava 44% ma i led batteria invece erano quasi pieni. Come mai questa differenza? Per vedere la carica residua è più attendibile la percentuale o il valore V in alto a sinistra?

Comments (3)

  1. Emil

    it can be from many reasons. Can you please share the app 0 ans 100% voltage settings, and a picture of the display with the battery just after you charge it?

  2. George Banea

    First of all, please ensure the voltage is calibrated. Please read the instructions on the wiki page on how to do it. Secondly please make sure you select the right voltage from the drop down and don't modify the voltages from the input boxes unless you have a custom battery. Also, make sure you have the right Ah setup in the settings too.

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