TdwsStringList problem with dangling Interface reference

Issue #152 resolved
Josef Kučera created an issue

Hello, I have discovered a nasty little problem with the TdwsStringList.InsertItem() implementation. Adding items with objects, deleting any item from the middle and adding another item causes access to a dangling Interface (it was left there by raw the move of elements). The fix is quite simple (the string reference is already correctly cleared), patch attached.

Comments (3)

  1. Eric Grange repo owner


    This unit and the dwsClasses module are rather unused (here) and untested. As you are using them, if you have any ideas for basic units tests so it is at least minimally covered, these could help in the long run!

  2. Josef Kučera reporter

    You are welcome!

    I have just started to use the dwsClasses module. Unfortunately right now I do not have any ideas for unit tests yet. I will definitely share them (tests/ideas) if/when I do have some.

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