Auto extracting from JSON list in the same parent JSON object

Issue #162 resolved
Former user created an issue

Run the following test code:

var Output:=JSON.NewObject;


WriteLn(Output.List.Length()); // writes "2"


WriteLn(Output.List.Length()); // writes "1"

As you can see, when an element of the JSON list is assigned to another field of the same JSON object that contains the same list, the assigned element is extracted and removed from the list. It seems more like a bug to me than a desired behavior. Am I wrong?

Comments (1)

  1. Eric Grange repo owner

    At the moment JSONVariants are single-parented, so assigning one will re-parent it.

    If you want to duplicate them, you can use the .Clone() method

    Output.Single := Output.List[0].Clone();
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