First time questions - Livescripting demo not compiling

Issue #247 new
David Novo-Lake created an issue

Hello, I am trying DWScript for the first time in Delphi 11.2.

I opened dwsLibDesignOnly.dproj and compiled and installed it. All seemed well.

Then I tried to run the LiveScripting demo. Lots of problems with missing synEdit properties. I then added all the paths to the source and the LiveScripting project still wont compile because it cannot find dwsSuggestions. I searched through the source and cannot find this unit. I commented out the reference to dwsuggestions and then it wont compile because it cannot find in SynHighlighterDWS.pas

Is there something I am doing wrong here?

Comments (4)

  1. Eric Grange repo owner

    Hi, dwsSuggestions lives in Source\SourceUtils with other IDE support utilities.

    The demos is against SynEdit from sourceforge, the should be in its “Source” directory.

  2. David Novo-Lake reporter

    HI Eric,

    I would like to help with DWScript so it works “out of the box” for a new user. To this effect, I would make a fork and:

    1. set a dcu ouput folder dwsLibDesignOnly.dpk. Save to something like ..\..\Compiled
    2. add the abovementioned Compiled folder to .gitIgnore
    3. add all units from SourceUtils etc to dwsLibDesignOnly.dpk so they all get compiled and ouput to the “compiled” folder
    4. add the compiled folder to the search path of other projects like the demos, tests etc so they simply run “out of the box”, or at least as much as they can.

    i.e. I wanted to try DWScript and I spent a bunch of time trying to futz around with the different projects and figure out what paths I needed to include, where different units were etc.

    Is that something you think would be helpful, i.e. you would accept a pull request?

  3. Eric Grange repo owner

    Yes, some help with packaging would be welcome :)

    However the problem with a Compiled folder is, unless I misunderstood, needs to be per-Delphi version, so there ends up being a whole collections of subfolders there. Targets (like 32 vs 64bits) can be handled automatically with path variables, but Delphi versions cannot be.

    And FWIW it’s also an option I have not investigated here because we maintain source branches per release of our software, which is also why I have not invested time into supporting Embarcadero’s “GetIt” delivery (as it maintains a version per IDE, not per project branch/version)

  4. David Novo-Lake reporter

    If you want to have the same installation of DWScritp serve multiple Delphi installed on the same computer (I never do this, I have a different VM for each delphi, because I dont trust that the different delphi wont mess each other up), then we would need a different project for each Delphi version, and in each project the output folder would be slightly different.

    Of course, then then user would have to manually add the library path to their version of Delphi, but that can be made easy with good instructions.

    Spring4D has a little build tool that will compile the relevant package per delphi version and add the path to the correct registry key, but that may be for phase 2?

    The other issue is that I do not have tons of Delphi versions to test it on. Just Seattle, Alexandria at the moment.

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