[JSCodeGen] 2 issues when using generics

Issue #270 closed
Toky Olivier Razanakotonarivo created an issue

There is 2 issues when using generics:

  • external variable field is not taken in account when used in a generic class
  • have to add “type” symbole to declare new class after the declaration of a generic class
    TTest<A> = class external
        Field : A; external "field"; //external "field"; here is not taken in account
        function Hello(p : A) : A;

type //Need to add "type" here, if not: TTest2 at line 14 will give error: "TTest2 unknown"
    TTest2 = class external
      Field : Integer; external "field"; //this is taken in account

var i : TTest<Integer>;
var j : TTest<Integer>; 
var k : TTest2; 

j := i;
j.Field := 10;
PrintLn(j = nil);

k.Field := 16;

This is the output when tested in the “Live scripting demo”

var TObject={
    $ClassName: "TObject",
    $Parent: null,
    ClassName: function (s) { return s.$ClassName },
    ClassType: function (s) { return s },
    ClassParent: function (s) { return s.$Parent },
    $Init: function (s) {},
    Create: function (s) { return s },
    Destroy: function (s) { for (var prop in s) if (s.hasOwnProperty(prop)) delete s[prop] },
    Destroy$: function(s) { return s.ClassType.Destroy(s) },
    Free: function (s) { if (s!==null) s.ClassType.Destroy(s) }
var Exception={
    $ClassName: "Exception",
    $Parent: TObject,
    $Init: function (s) { s.FMessage="" },
    Create: function (s,Msg) { s.FMessage=Msg; return s }
function $New(c) { var i={ClassType:c}; c.$Init(i); return i }
function $Check(i,z) { if (i) return i; throw Exception.Create($New(Exception),"Object not instantiated"+z) }
var i = null,
   j = null,
   k = null;
var $dws = function() {
   j = i;
   $Check(j," [line: 17, column: 3]").Field = 10;
   $Check(k," [line: 20, column: 3]").field = 16;

Comments (4)

  1. Eric Grange repo owner

    The “type” specifier needs to be added before each type declaration in script mode, where you can mix’n match interfaces en implementations, type sections only exist in unit/program/library mode

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