Error when installing in Delphi XE

Issue #52 new
Андрей Коршунов created an issue

When installed in Delphi XE compile dwsLibRuntimeXE.bpl packet error occurs [DCC Fatal Error] dwsUtils.pas (5795): F2084 Internal Error: AV22223FF9-R00000000-0

Comments (2)

  1. Henrique Gottardi Werlang

    I’m recreating the project packages, but I don’t know how to organize the projects. Because the original files are too old, and now we have the VCL and FMX framework, with this is need new packages to register the componentes in the IDE.

    Basic, must exists a “Core” package with the units of compiler, more two packages to VCL and FMX, and two more to install in the IDE.

    So, the question is, with what name I create this packages?

    PS: Sorry by my bad english!

  2. Eric Grange repo owner

    I am not sure if the code will compile against Delphi XE anymore, as I do not have it anymore to test, and the XE compiler had some capricious internal errors when using generics.
    Some newer portions (CodeDOM & autoformat) also use the newer syntax introduced in Delphi 10.

    The package dwsLibDesignOnly.dpk should be all you need, it should be fine with FMX as there are only non-visual components (though feedback is welcome, as I haven’t used FMX in the last years).

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