Reserved word cannot be used in doted unit name

Issue #57 wontfix
markus_ja created an issue


when a unit is created which contains a reserved word in it's doted unit name, the compiler doesn't compile.

Syntax Error: Name expected [line: 1, column: 29, file: MyForm.New]

e.g. unit MyForm.New;

This code is from SmartMobileStudio

Comments (3)

  1. Eric Grange repo owner

    Delphi has a similar limitation, though "new" is not a reserved word in Delphi, you cannot have a "begin" in a dotted unit name for instance (nor a "or", "and", etc.)

    I am not sure of what the implication of allowing reserved words would be, I guess in many cases it could be innocuous, but some syntax errors might become more ambiguous. For instance if you have code like

      a := Classes.

    the error would become that "Classes.end" is an unknown unit or name, rather than an error about the line being incomplete.

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