Is it possible to install DWScript on Delphi Seattle?

Issue #90 closed
Bruno de Chassey created an issue

Hi, Is there a way to install DWScript on Delphi Seattle? When I try to open "dwsLib.dpk" from the "XE7" folder, it says that "0" is not a boolean value. I know that the issues list is not the best location in order to ask this question! Many thanks for the work you've done,


Comments (4)

  1. Eric Grange repo owner

    I do not have XE7 to try, the dpks were contributed.

    That said you can probably just start from an empty dpk and copy-paste the unit list from the source view, there is not much that should be specific (in the dpk itself at least)

  2. Bruno de Chassey reporter

    Thanks for your answer. I previously used Pascal Script (for a very limited use, actually), and I finally succeeded in adding "Min" and "Max" functions which are not included in the last versions. I'll try to install DWScript in the future, starting from an empty dpk as advised.

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