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DWScript / InclusionDirectives

  1. summary Code inclusion compiler directives.

Source Code Inclusions

  • *`{$I 'filename'}`* : includes the specified file "verbatim" in the source.
  • *`{$INCLUDE 'filename'}`* : includes the specified file "verbatim" in the source.
  • *`{$INCLUDE_ONCE 'filename'}`* : includes the specified "verbatim" in the source only if it hasn't already been included (directly or through inclusion).
  • *`{$F 'filename'}`* : includes the specified file in the source after applying the filter on it.
  • *`{$FILTER 'filename'}`* : includes the specified file in the source after applying the filter on it.

Special Inclusions

You can use them with either *`$I`* or *`$INCLUDE`*, they include a string literal with the relevant information.

  • *`{$I %FUNCTION%}`* : includes a string literal containing the name of the function or method where the directive is.
  • *`{$I %FILE%}`* : includes a string literal containing the current file name where the directive is.
  • *`{$I %LINE%}`* : includes a string literal containing the line number where the directive is.
  • *`{$I %DATE%}`* : includes a string literal containing the date of compilation (yyyy-mm-dd).
  • *`{$I %TIME%}`* : includes a string literal containing the time of compilation (hh:nn:ss).
