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DWScript / LoopControl

  1. summary Loop Control statements.

Loop Control

Four forms of loops are supported:

  • [ForInDo for in do] : loop on elements in a sequence
  • [ForToDo for to/downto do] : loop on an integer variable
  • [RepeatUntil repeat until] : loop on a final condition
  • [WhileDo while do] : loop on an initial condition

All these loops can also be controlled by the following statements:

  • *`break`* : exits the current loop
  • *`continue`* : jump to the next iteration of loop

Note that *`break`* and *`continue`* are statements and [ReservedNames reserved names]. They're not functions like in classic Delphi. It means that they're always and _unambiguously_ loop control instructions, and can't be overloaded by user functions or variables.

The [exit] statement will also exit a loop as well as the whole function.
